With Easter right around the corner and an abundance of chocolate Easter eggs and sweet treats, it can be a challenging time to keep your teeth clean, both for kids and adults alike. But how can we make sure that we keep our teeth healthy and dental hygiene on track while consuming all those delicious treats that the Easter bunny has delivered?

Here at Brickfields Dental Care in Chelmsford, we can help you with advice and tips to ensure that your teeth and dental hygiene aren’t affected during this period of overindulgence. And whilst you can’t keep chocolate completely at bay for children, keeping an eye on their consumption is the best way to ensure that their oral health does not suffer.

Did you know that Britain is in the top five nations for chocolate consumption rate in Europe[1]? So, it’s not surprising that tooth decay affects three in ten children starting school[2], and each year thousands of children in the UK have to undergo decayed teeth being extracted. Whilst we are certainly not suggesting that Easter eggs should be banned, there are some things we can do which can dramatically reduce the harmful effects of chocolates and sweet treats on our teeth and dental health.

Top tips for your teeth this Easter.

  1. Make sure the sweet treats are limited to mealtimes
  2. Monitor intake – give children smaller pieces that won’t stay in their mouths for long periods
  3. Have a glass of water after indulging in chocolate
  4. Stop eating Easter eggs at least one hour before you go to bed
  5. Think about alternatives to chocolate for children such as decorating eggs, treasure hunts or Easter bonnets.

Regular check-ups with the dentist and a professional clean with the hygienist can help to keep your oral health on track. We also recommend that you take your children to visit the dentist regularly from the appearance of their first tooth or first birthday. Combining this with a balanced diet and good oral hygiene routine of brushing and flossing, will help to prevent caries and tooth decay.

Here at Brickfields Dental Care in Essex we will carefully check your teeth and gums and our hygienist can provide you with excellent preventative care for a bright and healthy smile.

If you or the little ones have been overindulging in sweet treats, or if you’re concerned about the effects of sugar on yours or your children’s dental health, come and make an in-practice appointment here or call reception on 01245 328 060.